Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It has been a while since is posted. I was just over thinking and randomly blogging for the past year. As I look back at the earlier posts I can not stop laughing at the things I wrote and how stupid most of them sounded. I have probably said 'New Beginning' in my blog for maybe 3 times. It seems like I have to direction to where I am heading.

I mostly wrote reviews on movies and composed some poetry, but it seams like no body cares about it. So I will just blog about random stuff like my little sister does. She is quite famous in the blogging environment and I could probably learn a few things from her. She thinks my posts are lame and meaningless. Probably true. So I will try not to be lame. She also says I need to constantly comment on people's blogs to advertise it. I will do that too. Lets see if that works or not.
It all comes down to motivation for me. I need motivation to do creative things like my sister does. Most of my day i spend is either doing driving duties, eating, sleeping or playing games. I am on my 'last holidays' as my friends call it. I just finished my second year of degree last month and the result were out last week. Final year starts in October and after that I graduate and start job hunt.

I think that is about it for now. If you are reading this because I commented on your blogs, do let me know. I hope you all have a great day!

P.S. X-Men First Class and Green Lantern are good movies.