Saturday, August 20, 2011


I went to the Penang Butterfly Farm with my cousins and I must say its a hell of a place. Its filled with thousands of beautiful little creatures and hundreds of flowers. I have been told that I don't write well, so I will just show you what I mean.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I am bored

I was bored. I was very bored. I was so bored that I actually came to write a blog about it. Its not lame right. Well my sister suggested me to a random questions thing. So here it is.

A. Make a list of 5 things that are in reach.
Pizza, iPod, empty plate of chocolate truffle cake, empty jug of water, economics book

B. What is your favourite holiday?
Do nothing at home and be lazy.

C. What is your fashion style?
I have no fashion sense. I like to wear black.

D. What’s your occupation?
Final Year University student.

E. What do you hear right now?
The crying of the wind and the fan.

F. Who was the last person you hugged?
I don't hug a lot.

G. What random song just popped in your head now?
Turning Tables - Adele

H. What did you do today?
Nothing. Woke up at noon, went for prayers, came home and played some FPS, went to grocery shopping for the cake, watched the new episodes of Rookie Blue and Suits,catch up on Season 1 of Leverage, played more FPS and now i am here.

I. What was the last text message you received?
Miss call when done. random

J. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, Youtube, Fastpasstv

K. What is your next big planned purchase?
New headphones for my iPod

L. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
London, Paris and Dubai!

M. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If my plan works out, probably finishing my 4th Year working in some firm.

N. Where’s your tattoo/Where would you like a tattoo?
Arms, Back and thigh

O. What are you doing this weekend?
Shopping for Eid.

P. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I want to learn how to play the piano. I am obsessed with it. But I can't play.

Q. What’s the one thing you need the most now?
Lose Weight. Lazy to lose.

R. Are you a creeper?

S. What is your dream job?
When I was young I wanted to be a SPY.

T. What’s the last good movie you saw?
Just watched Quarantine 2. Quite nice but the whole movie was a bit predictable. If there will be Quarantine 3 it will be to Quarantine Las Vegas.

U. What’s your favourite quote?
Can't really remember any. To be or not to be.

V. What is your favourite colour?
Black and Blue.

W. Give us three styling tips that always work for you:
For what?
Hair: Keep them messy
Clothes: Whatever that is easy to grab out of the drawers

X. Coffee or tea?
Both. But i like my coffee with chocolate and my tea with biscuits.

Y. What do you love to do when it is drizzling?
Nothing at all. Me and rain do not get along.

Z. What inspires you?