Monday, July 26, 2010

Poker Face

What would you do if you get these two cards? Just imagine you with your last $100,000 chips in Texas Hold'em by Zynga. All of your chips are in the table with stakes of 5k/10k. You have folded the last hew hands and you have an instinct that you are not going to win this one. To make it more interesting your friend has Pocket Aces. He tells you his cards through the chat. Then as your friend gets AA he all-ins $80,000. You being sane, FOLD. Then the 5 cards on the board are A(c) -2(c) -7(s) - K(h) and then the river 10 of CLUBS. You could have had a win. You become so angry. It should have been the chance to be the leader among your friends but no. YOU FOLDED!

If you are a victim of this, please join the page I hate folding winning hands :@!! and lets share the bad luck.

Its a social activity, strategic game, bacteria for your finances and an obsession.
It can be many other thinks but i am not that alive at the moment to think of them. Anyways. Poker. There are a lot of games that can be included in poker such as Blackjack, Texas Hold'em and a new game that i learnt last year from my Chinese friends: Choi Tai Di. Its amazing. If you want to know more about it, either Google it or post a request for explanation in the comment box below ( points downwards, pretending its a VLOG)

Losing money is like your world has just sank in the space life Titanic. For me i regret making a wrong move. i actually question my self: why did i all-in? why am i so greedy? why? WHY?WHY??? well the answer is simple. I am INSANE. By insane i don't mean mad or crazy, i mean out of my mind, drunk, high on drugs or just sleepy.
Who is like me? maybe many....or no one? anyways. Here is a little poem on Poker addiction.

I'm Addicted to Poker by Kieto

I'm addicted to Poker and I play it everyday,
The time flies by so
fast I forget what I was going to say.
Why just yesterday, I was in the
middle of a hand,
When the phone rang, I picked it up and this is what I sang.

Please Mr. Bill Collector man I have a open ended straight,
Can't talk right now but I'll send that payment I know it's late.
Gonna play 3, no 4, no 5 more hands today,
Then I'll put it in an envelope so you can mark it paid.

Last time you called, I had a royal flush draw no doubt,
But because you bothered me I got timed out.
So you did your job today go away and don't bug me no more,
Let me get back to what I was doing I'm bluffing with a pair of fours.

For more poems click here


1 comment:

PurpleMist. said...

haha, i liked this one!