Overall rating : 6.0

Next, I watched Rapunzel, a classic Disney movie with a modern twist.It was very well made and a fine example of a family movie. However, in my opinion it should not have ended with a happy ending. The horse was hilarious and patriotic.A very fine character indeed.
Overall Rating: 7.0

This is what i saw next. It was a great follow up of the last 2 movies and had a sense of freshness as the oldest siblings were cut off from the majority of the film. A new character was added who i suppose will carry on the journey in the next movie. It was yet another nicely made movie with great graphics. Something really interesting happened while in the cinema"
AZLAN: I have another name in your world.
My friend: Knowledge??!!
Me: Nerd
I dont know what is the real story behind the name thing. Is it a lion? I am not sure. Please tell me if you know.
This ended my marathon and i had a smile on my face.
Overall Rating: 7.0
C. S. Lewis, the author of the Chronicles, was writing a sort of allegory about Christian faith. Aslan is supposed to represent Jesus--which is what his "other name" is referring to. I love those books. :)
Oh. I didn't know that. Thanks for the info :)
poor aslan... hahahaha
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