Monday, November 29, 2010

Insomnia Strikes

Well its Monday morning, 3am to be exact. So many things going on. I have been watching Supernatural for the past month and i am on my 6th season. I cannot stop watching it. It has so many aspects that we read about in my daily lives. Ahhh! i wanna watch another episode now!!! Well i guess i will wait until tomorrow.

Well you might recognize the Title for this blog. Its the blog of some one very dear to me. But, mine is better :P

Insomnia has got to me. Its either the excitement of watching another episode, or the mocha coffee i drank 5 hours ago, or denial of wanting to wake up at 9am to get ready for my class, or i dont know.

I took this time to write the blog. Maybe i will get bored with this and go to sleep and this wont get posted at all.

If you want to sleep:
1. Do not drink any kind of coffee
2. Do not take a hot shower
3. Be bored
4. GOOGLE IT!!!!

Well i guess i can sleep now.







PurpleMist. said...

Omg, season 6 already?!
Google it- hahaha, that's what I would do :P

Taha Riaz said...

hahha. yes season 6. its awesome!!!!