Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Homecoming for me

I finished my third semester of my degree with a decent exam and the excitement of heading home. I guess every person has a different picture of semester breaks. Some people go travelling alone or with company. Some stay back to catch up with their work and study for the finals, some get a job for extra cash and experience, but most people i know go back to their hometown. So i did too.

I did not travel because I am not a fan of spending my own money for something that I will not enjoy. Travelling to me has always been done with family. I have never actually just traveled anywhere on my own or alone. I still haven't had the chance to have close enough friends to go with to. Hopefully this year will be better!

I also did not want to stay back and catch up to study because i had worked hard for the exams and I need a break! However, I do feel guilty as I have asked my group mates for an assignment to do as much as possible before I come. But, what do I care! I am going home!

Work was not on my mind because I am taking a break. And as much I can use the extra cash in my pocket, i need to recharge my brain for the new semester! And do not get me started of Malaysian government rules for international students who want to work. Its brutal!!

So I am home. I really wanted to be home to see my mother (and other family members). And I missed her cooking; there are no worries here and I can achieve total laziness XD. Sleep late, wake up late, fun, poker, movies, tv, ahh its so good!

It been good the last 3 days. I did not do anything special, but went swimming in the pool! AFTER ALMOST 2 YEARS! I don't know why i didnt go when i had the chance. I think its because i was lazy and had no motivation. Now i do have a motivation which is looking good. Now i just need to control my eating and by the end of the year, i would be in great shape :)

What to look forward to this week?

  • lots of food
  • lots of fun
  • meeting old friends
  • family day out
  • and other random happy stuff
Ok. My last post was a new thing i called Rapid fire which did not get as many answers as i would have liked. But the two bloggers that did comment on it are
  1. InsomniaStrikes
  2. amoutoujou
Thanks so much for your support and comments and answers :D

So any thoughts on homecoming or any other things mentioned in this blog?

and have you read the book A Homecoming for Kezzie?
its quite touching. I read it almost 6-7 years ago. Really tells us the meaning of a true homecoming. :D



Melissa said...

You're welcome! I'm a sucker for surveys... :)

I haven't read that book, but I do love to read. I take it you recommend it?

Taha Riaz said...


well i read it a long time ago. but as much as i remember its about war and a relation on two sisters. i remember girls in my class actually cried while reading it.

So if u can find it somehow, u should read it. :D