Friday, November 18, 2011

The awkward moments.

During the past few months there have been an increasing number of posts on Facebook and websites like 9gag about different awkward moments people have. Some of them are very true and directly related to us and some of them are just absurd. I wanted to post on this because I would like to share a few good ones I have read and to announce a new trend which I hope the reader would market for me.

To start of, here are a few awkward moments that happen to me a lot:

  • That awkward moment when you accidentally type your password in the username slot
  • That awkward moment when you finish watching a TV series and you don’t know what to do with your life any more
  • That awkward moment when your teacher asks you to read out loud, and you don’t even know what page they’re on
  • That awkward moment when you comment on someone’s Facebook status and they completely ignore your comment, but keeping answering everyone else’s comments
  • That awkward moment when your nanny turns out to be your ex husband disguised as 60-year-old British caretaker
  • That awkward moment when you realize that your secrets are being stolen through your dream, within a dream, within a dream
  • That awkward moment when a fat kid says “that’s how I roll”.
  • That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk realizes he has to explain how he found it
  • That awkward moment when you think you’re doing really well at Mario Kart, and then you realize you’re looking at your friends screen
  • That awkward moment when you realize the song on the radio doesn't sound right because it’s the original and not the Glee version.
  • The awkward moment when you say goodbye to someone and then end up walking in the same direction.
There are many of these and can be found in websites. Some are just absurd and completely fictional. Do you have any interesting ones to share? I would love to know!


Saturday, August 20, 2011


I went to the Penang Butterfly Farm with my cousins and I must say its a hell of a place. Its filled with thousands of beautiful little creatures and hundreds of flowers. I have been told that I don't write well, so I will just show you what I mean.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I am bored

I was bored. I was very bored. I was so bored that I actually came to write a blog about it. Its not lame right. Well my sister suggested me to a random questions thing. So here it is.

A. Make a list of 5 things that are in reach.
Pizza, iPod, empty plate of chocolate truffle cake, empty jug of water, economics book

B. What is your favourite holiday?
Do nothing at home and be lazy.

C. What is your fashion style?
I have no fashion sense. I like to wear black.

D. What’s your occupation?
Final Year University student.

E. What do you hear right now?
The crying of the wind and the fan.

F. Who was the last person you hugged?
I don't hug a lot.

G. What random song just popped in your head now?
Turning Tables - Adele

H. What did you do today?
Nothing. Woke up at noon, went for prayers, came home and played some FPS, went to grocery shopping for the cake, watched the new episodes of Rookie Blue and Suits,catch up on Season 1 of Leverage, played more FPS and now i am here.

I. What was the last text message you received?
Miss call when done. random

J. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, Youtube, Fastpasstv

K. What is your next big planned purchase?
New headphones for my iPod

L. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
London, Paris and Dubai!

M. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If my plan works out, probably finishing my 4th Year working in some firm.

N. Where’s your tattoo/Where would you like a tattoo?
Arms, Back and thigh

O. What are you doing this weekend?
Shopping for Eid.

P. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I want to learn how to play the piano. I am obsessed with it. But I can't play.

Q. What’s the one thing you need the most now?
Lose Weight. Lazy to lose.

R. Are you a creeper?

S. What is your dream job?
When I was young I wanted to be a SPY.

T. What’s the last good movie you saw?
Just watched Quarantine 2. Quite nice but the whole movie was a bit predictable. If there will be Quarantine 3 it will be to Quarantine Las Vegas.

U. What’s your favourite quote?
Can't really remember any. To be or not to be.

V. What is your favourite colour?
Black and Blue.

W. Give us three styling tips that always work for you:
For what?
Hair: Keep them messy
Clothes: Whatever that is easy to grab out of the drawers

X. Coffee or tea?
Both. But i like my coffee with chocolate and my tea with biscuits.

Y. What do you love to do when it is drizzling?
Nothing at all. Me and rain do not get along.

Z. What inspires you?

Saturday, July 23, 2011


A lot has happened during the last few weeks.
Okay, only one thing.
Harry potter ended.
After 10 years of recognition, I hope the pointing will stop.
It ended decently.
Though the books are better.
I think their children should have their own storyline.
Or maybe they can have a movie about the construction of Hogwards.
I like magic.
I wish i had magic.
Maybe an Elder Wand?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It has been a while since is posted. I was just over thinking and randomly blogging for the past year. As I look back at the earlier posts I can not stop laughing at the things I wrote and how stupid most of them sounded. I have probably said 'New Beginning' in my blog for maybe 3 times. It seems like I have to direction to where I am heading.

I mostly wrote reviews on movies and composed some poetry, but it seams like no body cares about it. So I will just blog about random stuff like my little sister does. She is quite famous in the blogging environment and I could probably learn a few things from her. She thinks my posts are lame and meaningless. Probably true. So I will try not to be lame. She also says I need to constantly comment on people's blogs to advertise it. I will do that too. Lets see if that works or not.
It all comes down to motivation for me. I need motivation to do creative things like my sister does. Most of my day i spend is either doing driving duties, eating, sleeping or playing games. I am on my 'last holidays' as my friends call it. I just finished my second year of degree last month and the result were out last week. Final year starts in October and after that I graduate and start job hunt.

I think that is about it for now. If you are reading this because I commented on your blogs, do let me know. I hope you all have a great day!

P.S. X-Men First Class and Green Lantern are good movies.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I was just so happy
with the outcome
that i did not see
the creature behind me

It jumped
I shrieked
He bit
I cried

As he gobbled me
i had one regret
that i did not see
the creature behind me.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Alive? - by Taha Riaz

I just jumped cause i had no words,
and was ready to be crushed into thirds,
but as i hit the ground,
there was something odd i found.
I did not die.

I lay there for a while,
on a land not so fertile,
no words came out
i had a doubt

was i alive?
or did i revive?
or was this death?
could i feel my breath?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

No Words

No Words - By Taha Riaz

When I am walking around the corridor,
glancing at the foreigners ,
fighting with their swords,
I have no words.

I reach the garden of despair,
where the cool kids did not share,
their meals and interests with the nerds,
i have no words

I reach the cliff,
stood stiff,
stared at birds,
and jumped cause I had no words.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rapid Fire: Round 2

Apple or Microsoft? Microsoft

Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

Poker or Scrabble? Poker

Call of Duty or Sudden Attack? Sudden Attack

Accounting or Finance? Accounting

Tv Shows or Movies? Tv Shows

Tutorials or Lectures? Lectures

Last thing you said to your mom? Bye Bye

First time you got a phone? at the age of 12

Publishing Posts here or Facebook statuses? Facebook Statuses

Tell me you answers! :D

Monday, January 31, 2011

facebooking about farmers and superheroes and swans

Here it is. My reviews for the movies i have watched. My reviews are never detailed. Marks and funny stuff.

The Social Network is the story of FACEBOOK, who everyone should by now. It is a great adaption of the original script and the acting of the stars is fantastic. Justin Timberlake who was suppose to play the inventor of Napster, executed every dialogue in such a way that it made me want to kill him. He was manipulative and immoral. Arghh Wanna Kill him!!! haha jokes aside. it was great. and jesse eisenbergh was rightfully nominated for an Oscar. He did a great job of being mark zukerberg and the other guy was good too. Haha. and what the hell is brenda song doing in a NON-DISNEY movie with scenes that should not be seen by her young fans. just saying.

OVERALL RATING : 8.5 (one of my highest rated movies)

Peepli Live is an Bollywood Movie which most probably no one has heard about. Its about Indian farmers who think that by committing suicides the government will pay them Rs.100,000. This money to them can secure the future of their families. However the plan of one farmer gets ransacked when one local reporter finds out and puts out the word. This attracts media from all over the state and becomes havoc for the farmer and his family. It has limited songs and tells us a great story with reporters trying to take a shot of farmers pooping openly and an old lady lving on cigarette.


The Green Hornet is not like the typical super hero movie. It is a bit predictable but great action man. Funny punch lines and the cars are just awesome!!!!! Seth rogen was funny. JYt chao was funny. I want To be a super hero now. WAIT WAIT WAIT. there was cameron diaz too!! i DONT NEED TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HER!
Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is the 28-year-old slacker son of widower James Reid (Tom Wilkinson), publisher of the Los Angeles newspaper The Daily Sentinel. Britt is an irresponsible playboy, but his attitude changes when James is found dead from an allergic reaction to a bee sting. After the funeral, Britt fires the staff aside from his maid and Kato (Jay Chou), James' mechanic and a skilled martial artist. It all goes loppedy loop loop after this. see it ur self. good laugh!


The most freakiest and darkest movies i have ever seen! there is nothing more i can say. the ballet is great. mila kunis is hot. natalie portman is confused? haha. well what i think about this movie is that natalie portman was some psycological disorder? i am really confused of the movie which is a great thing about it. you dont really know what is going on. you are just following natalie in her audition and she is just going coo coo.. great great acting by all. truly remarkable. a must see film!



I hope you liked my reviews.


pls do write your thoughts :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Movie Reviews

I am going to be writing 4 movie reviews when I get time from my hectic university schedule. The movies are:
  • The Social Network
  • Peepli Live (Indian)
  • The Green Hornet
  • Black Swan
So do check in end of next week for my thoughts and critiques.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

TV Shows to look forward to

OK. I am addicted to TV shows and most of the new shows will be back on the air next week.

Shows that i am looking forward to are:
  • GLEE
Can't wait for them. Hope i have time to watch them all.
Whats your favourite show?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Homecoming for me

I finished my third semester of my degree with a decent exam and the excitement of heading home. I guess every person has a different picture of semester breaks. Some people go travelling alone or with company. Some stay back to catch up with their work and study for the finals, some get a job for extra cash and experience, but most people i know go back to their hometown. So i did too.

I did not travel because I am not a fan of spending my own money for something that I will not enjoy. Travelling to me has always been done with family. I have never actually just traveled anywhere on my own or alone. I still haven't had the chance to have close enough friends to go with to. Hopefully this year will be better!

I also did not want to stay back and catch up to study because i had worked hard for the exams and I need a break! However, I do feel guilty as I have asked my group mates for an assignment to do as much as possible before I come. But, what do I care! I am going home!

Work was not on my mind because I am taking a break. And as much I can use the extra cash in my pocket, i need to recharge my brain for the new semester! And do not get me started of Malaysian government rules for international students who want to work. Its brutal!!

So I am home. I really wanted to be home to see my mother (and other family members). And I missed her cooking; there are no worries here and I can achieve total laziness XD. Sleep late, wake up late, fun, poker, movies, tv, ahh its so good!

It been good the last 3 days. I did not do anything special, but went swimming in the pool! AFTER ALMOST 2 YEARS! I don't know why i didnt go when i had the chance. I think its because i was lazy and had no motivation. Now i do have a motivation which is looking good. Now i just need to control my eating and by the end of the year, i would be in great shape :)

What to look forward to this week?

  • lots of food
  • lots of fun
  • meeting old friends
  • family day out
  • and other random happy stuff
Ok. My last post was a new thing i called Rapid fire which did not get as many answers as i would have liked. But the two bloggers that did comment on it are
  1. InsomniaStrikes
  2. amoutoujou
Thanks so much for your support and comments and answers :D

So any thoughts on homecoming or any other things mentioned in this blog?

and have you read the book A Homecoming for Kezzie?
its quite touching. I read it almost 6-7 years ago. Really tells us the meaning of a true homecoming. :D


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rapid Fire: First Round

Here are some short phrases that you have to write you first though about.

1. Black or Blue:
Answer: Both

2. An Apple a day...
Answer: ... is not enough

3. Favorite Food
Answer: Chocolate

4. What do want written on your tombstone?
Answer: The boy who lived

5. Why should I believe anything you say?
Answer: coz i look like Harry Potter

6. Why are you here?
Answer: tired of assignment and on a coffee rush

7. Opinions on 7-11
Answer: a life saver

8. Texas Hold'em or Blackjack?
Answer: Always Texas ;D

9. Craziest thing you did?
Answer: opened up a Blog and failed a lot of times

10. Charlie is so cool like?
Answer: me :P

I hope you enjoyed a new segment in my blog. I will do this now and then. Its fun. You have to be really fast to answer them with no time to think. Please do answer them and let me know in the comments :D

Take Care!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Reality Shows

I just love them. I love everything about them. The drama. Lying. Cheating. Backstabbing and full Entertainment.

I haven't ever taking part in these competitions like 'sms this number to save this person' but just watching and having a good laugh makes me feel so good.

There are different kinds of reality shows. I really like Talent shows like American Idol, X-Factor, So you think you can dance, Britain's Got Talent and many more.

I also consider game shows part of reality too because its real people doing something. I prefer watching The Wheel of Fortune, Weakest Link, Family Feud, Who wants to be a millionaire and Wipeout!

However there are some shows that are simply geniuses. I have been watching Big Brother which cracks me up so much because of the fighting and intense backstabbing scenes.

The shows that i dont like watching will be the ones with celebrities in it. Like Keeping up with the kardasians and living lohan and other crap. I simply dont care about them and dont want to know how they live their pathetic life.

Well i cant believe this is my first post for 2011 and i wrote it in 10 mins. Usually it takes me hours.

What are your favourite shows? i might start watching them soon, once im done with my exams.
